Hackingblogs: A threat actor organisation recently claimed credit for breaking into two well-known websites the official website of Elon Musk’s aerospace startup SpaceX.

About the Organisation
With its headquarters located in Brownsville, Texas, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, also known as SpaceX, is an American spacecraft manufacturer, launch service provider, and satellite communications business.
About the Threat Actor
The hackers, known solely as Mr. Hamza, along with the organisations Moroccan Soldiers and MoroccanCyberAliens, allegedly took advantage of a flaw in spacex.com to extract unidentified data. These communications were shared on their Telegram channel.

They allegedly broke into the nj.gov website in a different attack and claimed to have successfully extracted all of the data from the website. If these allegations are confirmed, they show serious security flaws in the systems that are being attacked.

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اختراق الموقع الإلكتروني spacex.com وهو الموقع الرسمي لشركة SpaceX، وهي شركة فضاء جوي أسسها إيلون ماسك.بعد ايجاد ثغرة و سحب بعض البيانات.
The website spacex.com, the official website of SpaceX, an aerospace company founded by Elon Musk, was hacked. After finding a loophole and extracting some data.
بمشاركة في هذه العملية فريقي Moroccan Soldiers و MoroccanCyberAliens
Hacked By Mr Hamza and The Moroccan Soldiers and MoroccanCyberAliens

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