Worlds Top Hackers 2024 read for free

Hello my dear hackers it has been a wonderful week for you all of course it was a topic on demand and that is the “Worlds Top Hackers in the world”. I know you all want to become like one of them let’s go right deep into what they did and who they are .

As you all are very curious to know who these five characters are so let’s get right into the blog. Herer you will learn about the insane and deadly hacker . Note: that hacking is a crime if done without proper authorisation. Therefore stay safe and hack !!

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Worlds Top Hackers
Worlds Top Hackers
Table of Contents

    Worlds Top Hackers

    Kevin Mitnick

    Worlds Top Hackers – Kevin Mitnick

    Of course Worlds Top Hackers and not him on the top I know if you have been into hacking for a few months or so you might have come across this of course we all know he is a very famous personality in the field of hacking as wrote many books his life when you see as a whole has been very very interesting.

    The world even considered him as the best and the most efficient hacker among all is also known as the father of hacking survived his five years in prison because of his computer-related crimes although after that he came out completely of the black Hat hacking.

    He started his own company that is the Midnight security consulting currently he deals with companies to tell their security strength and weakness define their potential loopholes works as a white hat hacker and is also the chief hacking officer of the security awareness training that company knowBe4 and has also worked on Active advisory board members at Zimperium.

    He has written many books ghost in the Wire and many more he has been one of the most notorious hackers in the world but guess what who knows you become the best.

    Garry McKinnon

    Worlds Top Hackers Garyy Mckinnon

    Maybe you might be not familiar with this personality was a very curious hacker who wanted to know about ufos about aliens about extra Terrestrial lives most of the work that he did was around finding an covering this stuff so he had the us military and NASA computers for 24 hours to fulfill her curiosity about aliens tracking

    On the system he puts a message on their system your security is crap he was so notorious that he deleted some of the important files.

    Routes his computer traffic with his girlfriend’s home location cyber attack on the US and NASA had to shut their system off many days.

    Jonathan James

    Worlds Top Hackers Jonathan James

    yes, he is the one who hacked NASA at the young age of 16 he committed multiple Cybercrimes.

    James intercepted around 3000 messages which are PR employees employees he stole software usernames passwords crucial details of employees of NASA also had to and also pay 41000 to fix in the year 2008 AIIMS committed suicide.

    Albert Gonzalez

    Worlds Top Hackers Albert Gonzalez

    He was a very proficient hacker to hacked the Internet banking system and stole around 170 M ATM numbers this has been the biggest fraud revolving around banking using an SQL injection backdoor System and sniffing the packets of the internal corporate system.

    On March 25th Albert was sentenced to 20 years in prison


    Worlds Top Hackers Lulzsec

    It is a very famous hacking group. it has been very high profile and it gained credentials of Sony CIA FBI Scotland yards and whatnot.

    This group into new Corporation put a fake news report of Rupert Murdoch passing away. The main motto of this group is to laugh about your security group and raise Awareness of security against hackers.

    So yeah that is the list of Worlds Top Hackers andI will be seeing you with more new content to meet in the next block !!!

    About The Author

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