The Delhi Police website was recently hacked by the infamous Killsec ransomware group. The cyber attackers reportedly infiltrated the website and demanded a ransom for returning control of the site to the authorities. The incident has raised concerns about the security measures in place to protect sensitive information on government websites.

According to the attacker, they have only exported 4GB of data from the database and are now requesting some EUR in exchange for resolving the breach.
The data includes the Violation ID / Notice No, RC Number, Geo Location, Offenses, Sender Name, Mobile, Source, Date and Time, Status, Media, and Action. The total number of traffic violence incidents is 254,629.
(Varanasi: Eight cunning criminals, including fake police and trial officers, who were involved in cyber fraud worth 3.5 crores have been arrested along with their accomplices.
People say that if they get caught, they should pretend to be police officers. Many police officers resign and start illegal businesses using their past influence in the department.
The Attacker is also offering to pay traffic fines for 10 lucky individuals by simply sending their violation reference number and details to have their fine status updated to ‘paid’.

Do you think this type of data breach is the reason why scams happen, as fraudsters obtain criminal record data that makes it easier for them to carry out their schemes? Well’ that it see you in a different blog till then keep learning.