Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis : Free and Updated Guide 2024

Hey there amazing hackers well you might have heard about poc and reports hackers submit after the find flaws in a system during pentest. Well reporting is a very important role in the cyberspace so after enough red teaming you must be well equipped with some knowledge of reporting flaws.

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis

So in todays article i will be teaching you about two of the most famour reporting tools so without further ado let us get right into reporting.

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis

What is pipal ?

Pipal is a open source tool that is made using ruby language. It is uses in Password analysing. When a pentest is performed a large chuck of password dumps are analysed this tool is then used.

If you are on kali it’s pre-installed and available in reporting tools. But if you are unable to find follow the below steps.

Installing and Setting Up

To install pipal on our system we’ll be using the aptitude package manager so go forward and install via the package manager.

Let's do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
sudo apt-get install pipal 

Verify the installation by opening the help command

To utilse the help menu from pipal type

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
pipal -h

If you see the help menu which most probably you will you have successfully set it up if not update the aptitude package manager.

Using Pipal

Creating Wordlist

As you might know till now it is a password analyser therefore it requires a password file or a wordlist to work. So go forward and create a wordlist or download one from github.I’ll be using my custom made wordlist for analysing

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis

Analysing File

Well to analyse the file all you need to do is type pipal .
So i’ll be using the following command to make the analysing process start.

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
pipal wordlist.txt
Generating stats, hit CTRL-C to finish early and dump stats on words already processed.
Please wait...
Processing:    100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| Time: 00:00:00

Basic Results

Total entries = 10
Total unique entries = 10

Top 10 passwords
hackingblogs = 1 (10.0%)
hacking = 1 (10.0%)
10101 = 1 (10.0%)
password = 1 (10.0%)
iloveyou = 1 (10.0%)
pass = 1 (10.0%)
admin = 1 (10.0%)
common = 1 (10.0%)
password123 = 1 (10.0%)
123456 = 1 (10.0%)

Top 10 base words
password = 2 (20.0%)
hackingblogs = 1 (10.0%)
hacking = 1 (10.0%)
iloveyou = 1 (10.0%)
pass = 1 (10.0%)
admin = 1 (10.0%)
common = 1 (10.0%)

Password length (length ordered)
4 = 1 (10.0%)
5 = 2 (20.0%)
6 = 2 (20.0%)
7 = 1 (10.0%)
8 = 2 (20.0%)
11 = 1 (10.0%)
12 = 1 (10.0%)

Password length (count ordered)
5 = 2 (20.0%)
6 = 2 (20.0%)
8 = 2 (20.0%)
4 = 1 (10.0%)
7 = 1 (10.0%)
11 = 1 (10.0%)
12 = 1 (10.0%)

     || |                                                               
     || |                                                               
     || |                                                               
     || |                                                               
     || |                                                               
     || |                                                               
     || |                                                               
    |||||  ||                                                           
    |||||  ||                                                           
    |||||  ||                                                           
    |||||  ||                                                           
    |||||  ||                                                           
    |||||  ||                                                           
    |||||  ||                                                           
    |||||  ||                                                           

One to six characters = 5 (50.0%)
One to eight characters = 8 (80.0%)
More than eight characters = 2 (20.0%)

Only lowercase alpha = 7 (70.0%)
Only uppercase alpha = 0 (0.0%)
Only alpha = 7 (70.0%)
Only numeric = 2 (20.0%)

First capital last symbol = 0 (0.0%)
First capital last number = 0 (0.0%)

Single digit on the end = 0 (0.0%)
Two digits on the end = 0 (0.0%)
Three digits on the end = 1 (10.0%)

Last number
1 = 1 (10.0%)
3 = 1 (10.0%)
6 = 1 (10.0%)

 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 
 | |  |                                                                 

Last digit
1 = 1 (10.0%)
3 = 1 (10.0%)
6 = 1 (10.0%)

Last 2 digits (Top 10)
01 = 1 (10.0%)
23 = 1 (10.0%)
56 = 1 (10.0%)

Last 3 digits (Top 10)
101 = 1 (10.0%)
123 = 1 (10.0%)
456 = 1 (10.0%)

Last 4 digits (Top 10)
0101 = 1 (10.0%)
3456 = 1 (10.0%)

Last 5 digits (Top 10)
10101 = 1 (10.0%)
23456 = 1 (10.0%)

Character sets
loweralpha: 7 (70.0%)
numeric: 2 (20.0%)
loweralphanum: 1 (10.0%)

Character set ordering
allstring: 7 (70.0%)
alldigit: 2 (20.0%)
stringdigit: 1 (10.0%)

Getting Specified Enteries

In order to suppose get the analysis from the first three words of the file we can use the top switch in the application.
For example to get the analysis of hackingblogs, hacking and 10101 we’ll be using the following command

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
pipal wordlist.txt --top 3

Saving and output

To save the analysis all you gotta do is use the -o switch to output to a file so let’s save the result of the top 3 words and output it to pipal_analysis.txt we’ll be using the following command

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
pipal wordlist.txt --top 3 -o pipal_analysis.txt

Now let’s move to dradis

What is dradis ?

Consider dradis as a repo holder for your pentest reports relation to asset discovery, useful key notes, and reporting flaws on the host.The tool runs on a pre-defined server and is open-source. It is written in the Ruby Language.

Installing and setting up Dradis

As it might not come pre-installed you have to install it via the package manager to install dradis for that type

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
sudo apt-get install dradis 

Now after it has been installed we can just verify the installation by looking at the man page of dradis which can be done by using the following command

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
man dradis

Initialising Dradis

It get’s installed in the reporting section so either from there or from the command line you can initiate the service by typing

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
sudo dradis (and this will start the web ui at port 3000 

Setting up Password

We’ll once the service starts go on the url and the window will ask you to set up a password and then confirm it.

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis

Initial Interface

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis

You might now see the dashboard of the project summary if you have any which you probably might need to create and we’ll be doing that when conducting a pentest in the next session.

Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis

To Stop the service type sudo dradis-stop

Let's do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis
Let’s do Some Reporting Using Pipal and Dradis

Frequenlty Asked Questions

  1. Q: What is PIPAL?
    A: PIPAL is a tool used for automated penetration testing.
  2. Q: What is DRADIS?
    A: DRADIS is a collaboration and reporting tool used in penetration testing.
  3. Q: How can PIPAL help with reporting?
    A: PIPAL can automate the process of scanning for vulnerabilities, making the reporting process more efficient.
  4. Q: What features does DRADIS offer for reporting?
    A: DRADIS offers templates for reporting, data import/export options, and customizable reports.
  5. Q: How can PIPAL and DRADIS work together for reporting?
    A: PIPAL can generate the vulnerability scan data, which can then be imported into DRADIS for creating detailed reports.
  6. Q: Can PIPAL and DRADIS be integrated with other tools for reporting?
    A: Yes, both PIPAL and DRADIS offer integration with other tools like Metasploit and Burp Suite for comprehensive reporting.
  7. Q: Is there a learning curve for using PIPAL and DRADIS for reporting?
    A: Both tools have user-friendly interfaces and documentation to help users get started with reporting.
  8. Q: How often should I use PIPAL and DRADIS for reporting?
    A: It is recommended to use PIPAL and DRADIS for reporting after each penetration testing session or security assessment.
  9. Q: Can PIPAL and DRADIS be used for compliance reporting?
    A: Yes, both tools offer features that help with compliance reporting for various standards like PCI DSS and HIPAA.
  10. Q: Are there any limitations to using PIPAL and DRADIS for reporting?
    A: While PIPAL and DRADIS are powerful tools for reporting, it is important to verify the accuracy of the generated reports and perform manual checks for validation.

About The Author

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