Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024

Hey there amazing hackers in this blog i will be teaching you about another special tool that is Nubbi . It will help in your recon process so without wasting much time let’s set this tool up and use it.

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool
Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024

What is Nubbi? (Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool)

Nuubi is a recon tool that will help you in your recon process. This tool perfroms a variety of functions which include banner grabbing, subnetlookup, cms detection, dns lookup and much more. We all know that data is the currency for the digital world and tool like nubbi will definetely be a helful for hackers.

Installing and setting up Nubbi

In order to install nubbi create a directory where we will be cloning the repository

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
mkdir Nubbi

Now you have to clone the repo for which use the following command which will install the tool

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
git clone

To verify the repo has been downloaded list the file

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024

Now as we see the folder is successfully installed on our system so let’s install the requirement and set the enviroment for the tool to function properly

Installing Requirement

Move to the tool’s folder cd Nubbi and ls to verify requirement.txt exist

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024

So as we can see it is present we’ll be installing the requirements using pip3

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To verify the tool is working properly we can run the -h switch

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
python3 -h

Using Nubbi

Performing Subnet Lookup on Target

Let’s perform a subnetlookup on which can be easily done using the folowing command

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
python3 -s

As you see it has returned a lot of data comprising of netmask, broadcast , host range etc.

Performing subdomain Lookup on the target

To perform the subdomain lookup on the tarhet utilise the -s switch for example to perform a subdomain lookup on hackingblogs we’ll be using the following set of command

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
python3 -S

Finding Dns Records on target

Let’s find if out target ( has any dns records . So to check if is sharing any dns server with other host we’ll be using the -f switch

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
python3 -f

HTTP header of Our Target

To intercept the http header for our given target for example information like status code, locatin connection-type etc we’ll be using the -H switch

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024
python3 -H

Performing a Reverse DNS Lookup using IP

So in order to perfrom Reverse DNS lookup we’ll be grepping the IP Address of out target this can be done using nslookup

Nubbi best and Free Information Hunting tool you should use in 2024

Now once we have got the IP Address we’ll be using the –revdns switch to perform a reverse dns lookup on the target site.

python3 --revdns

CMS Detection Of Target

To collect the Content Management System information from the target we will be using the -c switch .

python3 -c

Performing Web Crawling on our target

In order to crawl or spider the various links and hyperlinks on our target we can use the crawling feature of nubbi using the -C switch

python3 -C


So as you see this tool is really a golden toolkit for hackers there are some more features which i will be covering in detail in next articles these are certificate transparecy logs collecting, url and web scanning , and more . Go forward and use the tool against different target but keeping the legal boundaries in minds.

So that is it for this article and i’ll be seeing you in the next articles.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. What is the Nubbi tool for hackers?
    The Nubbi tool is a software tool that hackers use to gain unauthorized access to computer systems and networks.
  2. How does the Nubbi tool work?
    The Nubbi tool works by exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks to gain access and control over them.
  3. Is the Nubbi tool legal to use?
    No, the Nubbi tool is illegal to use as it is a hacking tool that is used to commit cybercrimes.
  4. Can the Nubbi tool be detected by antivirus software?
    Some antivirus software may detect the Nubbi tool, but hackers often use techniques to evade detection.
  5. What are the risks of using the Nubbi tool for hacking?
    The risks of using the Nubbi tool include legal consequences, such as criminal charges and imprisonment, as well as damage to computer systems and networks.
  6. Can the Nubbi tool be used for ethical hacking purposes?
    No, the Nubbi tool is designed for malicious hacking and is not meant to be used for ethical hacking.
  7. How can organizations protect themselves from attacks using the Nubbi tool?
    Organizations can protect themselves by implementing strong cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits.
  8. Are there any legitimate uses for the Nubbi tool?
    No, the Nubbi tool is strictly designed for illegal hacking activities and has no legitimate uses.
  9. Can individuals be targeted using the Nubbi tool?
    Yes, individuals can be targeted using the Nubbi tool, especially if they have vulnerable computer systems or networks.
  10. What should I do if I suspect that someone is using the Nubbi tool to hack my computer?
    If you suspect that someone is using the Nubbi tool to hack your computer, you should immediately disconnect from the internet and contact law enforcement authorities for assistance.

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