So this blog has another important yet robust information this information might not give you a level of security but will make you different from the normal people who don’t know about this basically I will be teaching you how to store files in photos using Command Prompt
It sounds stupid but is actually brilliant if you have been reading my blogs you would know about steganography already if not do check it out.
But that was done in Linux so here we’ll be doing it in Windows that too only command prompt be ready because your mind is gonna blow up.Dont forget to checkout another interesting blogs on this website for free.
Zipping files Using Winrar
So to perform this you need to have 1 image and some files you want to store in the secret final image. So Get one image and some random files to follow along.

Here I have an image and a secret zip file that I want to put inside this image file ignore the folder I just put it randomly 🙂
instead of keeping many files, I have just zipped some photos in the rar file

Now that you have gathered the resources let’s start putting the files inside the image the interesting part is that it only requires one command to do the process and this is :
Storing Files in the photos
copy /b <image>+<files> <newimage>

Now there will be a new image created and this Is the main image containing the files but appears to be any normal image and this is robust.

Viewing via winrar
Now to check the files the image contains all you need to do is open with Winrar and you will see all the images and you can extract them easily 🙂

So that is it will be back with more out-of-the-box tricks and techniques to make your life easier as a hacker.
Till then keep Hacking !!!
Frequently Asked Question
How can I use Command Prompt to store files in photos?
You cannot use Command Prompt to store files in photos. Command Prompt is a command-line interface used to perform various tasks on a computer.
Can I store files in photos using Command Prompt?
No, you cannot store files in photos using Command Prompt. However, you can use Command Prompt to move, copy, or delete photos or files.
What is the best way to store files in photos?
The best way to store files in photos is to use a file storage service or cloud storage. This will ensure that your files are safe and accessible from anywhere.
Can I compress files using Command Prompt to save space in my photos folder?
Yes, you can compress files using Command Prompt to save space in your photos folder. You can use commands like “compact” or “gzip” to compress files.
How do I organize my files in the photos folder using Command Prompt?
You can use Command Prompt to create folders, move files into folders, or rename files in the photos folder. This will help you keep your files organized and easy to find.
What are some common commands I can use in Command Prompt to manage files in the photos folder?
Some common commands you can use in Command Prompt to manage files in the photos folder include “dir” to list files and folders, “copy” to copy files, “move” to move files, and “del” to delete files.
Is it safe to use Cmd to manage files in the photos folder?
As long as you are familiar with the commands and take precautions, it is safe to use Command Prompt to manage files in the photos folder. Make sure to back up important files before making any changes.